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VMYF has come into existence to inculcate the patriotic fervor & values in the youth of India and also prepare them for a successful career by providing the training which develops the required skills and to provide a platform for such youth of India who seek to render a meaningful and useful service to our Nation. Please Visit : http://vmyf.org/act-yep/ and www.aboutvmyf.blogspot.com

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mock Recruitment Drive & YEP on 29th Aug'2010

Today VMYF conducted a Mock Recruitment Drill for final year engineering student members of VMYF.
The Drill was meant to prepare them to face the job interviews in future once they complete their final year. Various experts from ISB, Infosys, SOHAM Consultants conducted  the written test and interviews and gave the report to the students with hints as to in which areas they should concentrate their efforts and how to overcome the drawbacks in order to get selected in the interview conducted by the top notch Multinational IT companies and the like. The drill was very helpful to the students who received invaluable tips and guidance from the experienced executives and faculty from to notch Multinationals and Training Companies.

Mr. Narasimha Chary of INFOSYS giving Interview tips to a group of participants in Mock Recruitment

Also today the part 2 of Youth Empowerment Program YEP level -1 was conducted for all those students who missed out on the earlier session due to various reasons. It was a resounding success attended by the about 30 students for various Engineering and Degree Colleges.

Narotham conducting the review after the YEP
Students clapping after one of the participants gave a positive report about today's YEP
Today's Chief Guest Mr. DMD Murthy, Head, Training & Development wing of  SOHAM Consultants receiving a memento
Chief Guest Mr. DMD Murthy delivered an inspiring speech about Crisis Management & Problem Solving

One of the participants telling others what she felt about today's YEP
The YEP was praised by all the participants....

Jagadish speaking about the Greatness of Vedic Culture
Participants having lunch. The lunch was provided by VMYF

Immersed in the Session.....

Very important session about Memory and Mind in progress

Participants meditation on their personality issues, before recording them on the paper, being guided by Mr. Mani

Demo of Communication Skills in progress...
A Session on Goal Setting

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