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VMYF has come into existence to inculcate the patriotic fervor & values in the youth of India and also prepare them for a successful career by providing the training which develops the required skills and to provide a platform for such youth of India who seek to render a meaningful and useful service to our Nation. Please Visit : http://vmyf.org/act-yep/ and www.aboutvmyf.blogspot.com

Monday, August 23, 2010

Youth Empowerment Programs YEP's on 22-08-2010

VMYF conducted a YEP Level -1 program for all the new volunteers and the new members on 22nd Aug' 2010 at Jagruti Buliding, Kachiguda, Hyderabad.  more than 40 members attended the program which went on up to 5 P.M. in the evening. Lunch was provided to the attendees at the venue itself.
   The first session about Goal Setting by Abhinav in Progress

Abhinav, Alumni of IIT Mumbai did an excellent Job
Being Empowered ......

In the lunch break.....

Teams divided into groups during a Group Discussion Session

Narotham giving out guidelines for the group discussion

Students giving out conclusions of their respective teams ...


In Progress ...

Mani declaring the scores of GD

Jagadish taking a Session on India - the True Super Power
The feed-back session about todays YEP in progress
The sincere efforts of the VMYF Volunteers being recognised...Amrutha
Sahiti ....

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